Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Tis The Season

I've had a lovely couple of weeks, both in real life and in Cabaret land.

Shows have included another Kaff Bar, which was typically mental!

The Kim Kardashian/Fat Bottomed Girls Game!

Love this shot of  Ruby Deshabille, snapped from behind the curtain.

Another Kaff Bar, another breakdown! This time it was the spark plugs... or something. I don't know.

I've been back at Proud Cabaret City and Brighton with a whole host of lovelies...

Selfie with the gorgeous Elsie Diamond!

Backstage Shot! With Leah Debrincat, Chastity Belt, Tabitha Taboo and Elsie Diamond

Some slightly blurry Instagram shots from Proud Brighton

Miss Polly Hoops with Freida Rose!

In real life, I had a wonderful couple of days with my grandparents: we took them to The Tower Of London and Hampton Court Palace for their wedding anniversary. It was lovely to spend time with them as I don't see them as often as I would like.

Day out at Hampton Court