Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Blast From The Past

This weekend has mostly been about strolling down memory lane, and my new talons... 


On Saturday I performed at Proud Cabaret for a bonkers audience that was at least 90% hen parties! Around 200 screaming women! I seriously worried for Jonathan Finch's life, especially after he received several requests for his underpants!

Mirror Picture! With Jolie Papillon, Aurora Starr, Chrys Columbine, Kai Hoffman, Jonathan Finch and Hayley Coppinger

It was a fabulous evening, with a wonderful cast - it was great to see Aurora Starr again after many years, and I got to hang out with the gorgeous Chrys Columbine too!

With the gorgeous Chrys Columbine

On Sunday I journeyed up to Chester for Dr. Sketchy's - I love shows in Chester as it's my home town so it's a fabulous excuse to stay with family and be spoiled for a while!

Alexander's Jazz Bar ** Chester Town Hall ** Godstall Lane

I had a lovely Sunday dinner at home with my family, and had a blast from the past as I got myself ready for my night out at my teenage dressing table:

Getting ready for a night out

I then popped into town with my two besties for a lovely evening meal, a catch-up and a good old fashioned gossip.

With Hayley and Jade - besties!

I love Dr. Sketchy's shows - they're always chilled out and have a really nice atmosphere. I especially loved that this one was held at Alexander's Jazz Theatre: I worked at this venue for four years while I was in college, and it was the place I first watched a Burlesque Show!

With the fabulously named Titsalina Bumsquash!

With Titsalina Bumsquash and Madame X

The night was lots of fun, and the art on display was fabulous too:

Some of the pictures of Titsalina


These were my favourites of the evening

On Monday I travelled across to Liverpool to see Pamela, my housemate from college, and her gorgeous baby Alex, my godson.

Baby Alex!

In the spirit of 'blast from the past' we hopped into a taxi and went across to Aigburth, where we lived together for three years, and even popped into college to say hi!

Liverpool Theatre School ** Palladium Studio Theatre ** College Year Portrait

It was so lovely to visit, and chat with the few teachers who are still there from when I was training. Adam, the head of Musical Theatre, showed Pam and I around the college and it felt like I'd hardly been away, even though it's been almost six years! Where does the time go?!

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